6 SUPPLEMENTS TO STAY YOUNG | anti-aging over 40

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I’m currently 44 years old. This is my anti-aging vitamin and supplement routine. I take these daily as a way to promote health and longevity. I’ve been taking these supplemens for over 10 years.

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Products mentioned:
Multivitamin (gummies) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0862QGL36/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=e0b77-20&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B0862QGL36&linkId=45c1716f8ddcb90a3be247a145fe961d
Vit B Complex (gummies) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07D7R4F7G/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=e0b77-20&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B07D7R4F7G&linkId=edabb71e54f224c7b6e3f1f302991d45
Vit C (chewable) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00MPYTSGG/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=e0b77-20&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B00MPYTSGG&linkId=93aa7373221be9456ea216422473e566
Vit D (D3 gummies) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004XLRTUQ/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=e0b77-20&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B004XLRTUQ&linkId=baec3f5192e9b7d776e795dad6da7794
Omega3 (gummies) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005D0DSLA/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=e0b77-20&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B005D0DSLA&linkId=cde88617391d7fc35369e401833f4f0f
Iron (caramel liquid) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00FZ2ZTWW/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=e0b77-20&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B00FZ2ZTWW&linkId=e750f92465d319dffcafad31f6c65605


Thanks for watching 😊

Note: For any products mentioned, I try to include affiliate links to Amazon (US). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. In other words, if you buy something using one of my links I will get a commission, and there is no additional cost to you. These are generally the best prices online but keep an eye out for sales in your area. 💚

About me: I’m currently 44 years old. In my 30s, I went back to school and studied holistic nutrition, and graduated in 2012. It is not what I do for a living/career, so I don’t typically refer to myself as a nutritionist. The main reason I enrolled in a nutrition program was out of personal interest, because I’m obsessed with longevity. It is my personal goal to live to over 100 years old, and to look and feel great until my very last day. As part of this journey, I’ve learned to adopt some very healthy lifestyle strategies and habits. Everything I’ve done so far seems to be working quite well. So I’ve decided to start sharing my journey and knowledge on my youtube channel HipCityFam.

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🛑 Disclaimer: I am not a Doctor. Always check with your Doctor or health care provider before following anyone else’s advice.

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